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Monday, July 20, 2020



The word "turbine" was coined in 1822 by the French inventor Claude Burdin from the Latin turbo, or vortex, in a memo, "Des turbines hydrauliques ou machines rotatoires à Grande Vitesse", which he submitted to the Académie royale des sciences in Paris.[4] Benoit Fourneyron, a former student of Claude Burdin, built the initial practical water turbine.
The humming of a little pneumatic turbinemployed in a German 1940s-vintage Davy lamp



    Pelton wheel is a tangential flow propulsion is suitable for operating under high heads and low discharges.the energy accessible at the inlet  of the turbine is only  kinetic energy and the pressure at the inlet to outlet of the turbine atmospheric 

          • Pelton wheel with dynamo ca. 1870


          Francis turbine is a mixed flow turbine. Francis first developed an inward radial flow reaction turbine and later it was modified as a mixed flow type which is known as the modern Francis turbine. In modern Francis turbine, water enters the runner radially at its outer periphery and leaves axially at its centre. The Francis turbine is suitable for medium heads and medium discharges.

                In the Francis turbine, only a part of the available head is converted into kinetic energy at the inlet and the rest of the head remains in the form of pressure energy. As the water flows through the runner a part of pressure energy goes on changing into kinetic energy the pressure difference is developed between the entrance and exit of the runner. This pressure difference is known  as reaction pressure which is responsible for running of the turbineFrancis turbine - Wikipedia

          • DRAFT TUBE

            A draft tube is a pipe or tube of the gradually increasing area which connects the runner exit to the tailrace where the water is finally discharged from the turbine The main function of the draft tube is to minimise the velocity of flow and thus minimising the loss of kinetic energy at the outlet

        Draft - Tube Theory

        • A Kaplan turbine is a propeller-type reaction turbine. It is operated in a closed conduit from head race to the tailrace. A Kaplan turbine is an axial flow turbine. It is suitable for relatively low heads and requires large discharge to develop a large amount of power

        • Green Mechanic: Kaplan Turbine

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